COMPASSIO is any organization who is willing to go an extra mile to end the suffering of the poor and needy through Children's education, Elderly Care, Women Empowerment, good health and hygiene practices and promoting social justice for the marginalized. We will work towards Advancing and Strengthening of Christian values within the community.

Every donation or money raised, large or small, can make a real difference in the lives of the poor and marginalized people all over the world. A one -off charitable donation, fundraising or setting up your own monthly sponsorship will help ensure that COMPASSIO will always be there now and in the future for the people in need. You can even sponsor a whole or part of a project.

Please choose your convenient payment options: :
Online Bank Transfer, Write a Cheque, Deposit Cash or Setup up a monthly Direct Debit

  • Bank Details :

    A/C Name : COMPASSIO

    A/C No : 67786963

    Sort Code : 30-98-97